Benny Zen The Recording Artist ft. The Syphilis Madmen – Go Out and Love the People – CD

benzen_gooutWith ‘Go out and Love the People’, the 4th Benny Zen album, Peter Houben (lo-fi indie pope of Nemo and Mitsoobishy Jacson fame) returns to his crooked roots: cross-eyed rock that nevertheless manages to run straight ahead. The eleven tracks were recorded live at Pascal Deweze’s (Sukilove, Broken Glass Heroes, Metal Molly) Studio Jezus.

Benny Zen is often associated with ‘wild pop experiments’, ‘mesmerising melodies’, ‘Beatle-like indiepop’ or ‘They might be Giants meets Supergrass’. It’s time we put a stop to this, decided The Madmen. (*)

And so Houben wrote 11 songs in accordance with the following guidelines: the guitarist’s right hand must bang out eighth notes (ta-da-da-da-ta-da-da-da), the bass player can only use two fingers, the drummer sticks to a diet of Irish coffee and neither diminished nor augmented chords are allowed. Things came to a conclusion during the five hottest days of 2013 (Pascal Deweze’s a studio has no air-conditioning). 
The result is a deceptively transparent ROCK ALBUM about waiting rooms, Bob Dylan, spring fever, art in the 21st century, 50 cigarettes a day, love and bees.


“Manages to pull together many diverse elements: the free thinking approach of David Byrne, glorious slices of 60’s pop and an often deadpan folk vocal style, but even that gives you only a vague starting point. Do yourself a favour and check them out today.” (Green Man Music Reviews)

“Early Beck with the melodic zing of Sparklehorse.” (Artrocker)

“Like Teenage Fanclub re-working of the theme from ‘Deliverance” (Loud Horizon)

‘You’ll be hitting the play button time and again.’ (Is this Music)

(*) They only h ave themselves to blame, though, with albums like ‘UFO Conspiracy Believer’, their ‘difficult’ debut (‘a freshly baked musical spacecake’), with ‘Run back to the Safety of the Town’, their streamlined second album and – the icing on this confusing cake – their concept album ‘The Advocates of Science and Culture’ (‘a loopy creative statement’).


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